Free Insurance Information

The mission of the Insurance Information Institute is to improve the public’s understanding of insurance — what it does and how it works. It is recognized as the primary source of information, analysis and referrals concerning insurance and answers 50,000 questions from consumers a year. Some questions relating to the September 11th tragedy from victims’ families might include, how can I locate a lost insurance policy? and how do I get health benefits if I become unemployed? The Institute has set up the National Insurance Consumer Help-line at 1-800-942-4242 (8 a.m.- 8 p.m. EDT) to help with questions from businesses and individuals about the insurance implications of this tragedy. In addition they will soon be opening a central information office in New York City. Their web site also provides the contact numbers for all insurance companies. Contact Insurance Information Institute, 110 William Street, New York, NY 10038; 212-346-5500; {}.

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