Assists eligible farmers, ranchers, and aquaculture operators to become owner-operators of family farms. Loan may be used to operate family-owned ranches and agricultural businesses and to purchase farmland, construct and repair buildings, and promote soil and water conservation. National Office: USDA, Farm Service Agency, Box 0522; Washington, DC Applications should be mailed to local county office. Contact state office above for referral to appropriate regional office. Must have education, training, and experience in managing/operating a farm; must be U.S. citizen; must have acceptable credit history. If farm/ranch will be operated as a business entity, all members must be related by blood or marriage. Contact Farm Service Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250; 202-720-7807; {}.
$200,000 To Buy A Farm Or Ranch
4 Responses to $200,000 To Buy A Farm Or Ranch
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Hello my name is Susan Hostetler my sisters and I are interested in a Grant to buy are family farm.
hello i am serious about a grant in buying a ranch for me and my family
Hello my name Karen Hermes; I need a grant to rebuild my pasture fences to keep the cows in. This consists of about 10 miles of exterior fencing. Please reply Thank You
Interested in buying a family farm/ranch.