International Studies

What is the leading export from Ireland? How many people live in Ethiopia? The federal government has two websites that can provide enough information for a two page country report, and it doesn’t even involve going to the library! Check out {} and {}.

Free Computers For Educators

There are a number of organizations that offer free, second hand computers to educational or non-profit organizations. See a bunch of them at: {}.

Helping Children

The National Institute of Mental Health offers a very extensive document titled Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters, that describes how young people react to trauma, how to help them, the condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder… Continue reading

Website To Help Our Nations Children

Connect for Kids, an award-winning multimedia project of the Benton foundation, helps adults make their communities better places for families and children. This Website offers a place on the Internet for adults-parents, grandparents, educators, policymakers and others-who want to become… Continue reading

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