In Connecticut your income can be $39,168 and you can get $640 a month for child care. Make $25,332 in Indiana and get $1,260 a month for infant care. Earn $38,244 in Alaska and receive $583 a month for child… Continue reading
NAFTA is not a dirty word, but a lot of U.S. workers swear it is a plan to put them out of work and ship their jobs where labor costs are cheaper – Canada, but more significantly to Mexico and… Continue reading
Speak your mind and let the President know how you feel about the issues! Whether it’s about more money for your school or your solution to problems with the environment, all you need to do is send a note to… Continue reading
A family of 4 can be making close to $30,000 year and still be eligible for a 2% interest loan from local Community Action Agency. Some agencies also offer grants or are aware of other local organizations that provide grants.… Continue reading
If you have found yourself on the losing end of a plant closing or mass layoff, apply for money and re-training under the Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act. The program is administered by each state, and because of… Continue reading
The Office of Personnel Management has set policies for those government workers affected by the September 11th attacks on the Pentagon. Depending on the situation, some workers can be excused from duty without charge to leave or loss of pay.… Continue reading
There are over 600 Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies around the country that maintain local databases of information on child care providers in your area. They can give you locations, hours of care, ages of children accepted, fees and… Continue reading
This publication is free along with three fact sheets, and a list of state and local contacts for additional information. Specific lead questions can be answered by an information specialist at 800-424-LEAD. For more information, contact National Lead Information Center,… Continue reading
The Office of Personnel Management has set policies for those government workers affected by the September 11th attacks on the Pentagon. Depending on the situation, some workers can be excused from duty without charge to leave or loss of pay.… Continue reading
Ever notice how so many products have gotten less expensive over the last ten years? Shirts that once cost $30 are now sold for $15. Televisions and VCRs – not to mention computers – have never been cheaper. Almost everything… Continue reading