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Personal Finance Help
9 Responses to Personal Finance Help
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I would like free money for my crocheting project I am trying to start on my own but I need the resources like supplies a vehicle to get to places to donate my project in the communities hospitals
I lost my job and my bills are overwhelming past due and I need immediate help. I can’t get a loan and my credit is super bad. I need to car payment, car insurance and car repair to be able to get to my new job this week.
Just got laid of will start my new job in three weeks need money to pay rent on my room food and personal items any help will be appreciated
I need help to pay back the ccb and the uccb. I barely get any money to be able to pay back $2000. Our child was taken from us for one person calling. We need help with our finances and we need help to be able to afford getting proper all-year proof windows to get our son back home. We love our son and we want a proper place for him to come back to and that we don’t have any financial situations to have him come home too. Please we need help. About $3600 help! HELP US PLEASE!!!!!!!!
I need help to pay back the ccb and the uccb. I barely get any money to be able to pay back $2000. Our child was taken from us for one person calling. We need help with our finances and we need help to be able to afford getting proper all-year proof windows to get our son back home. We love our son and we want a proper place for him to come back to and that we don’t have any financial situations to have him come home too. Please we need help. About $4000 help! HELP US PLEASE!!!!!!!!
I need immediate help with not getting my car repossessed. I am behind on my payments and my account is overdrawn which is dragging down my credit. I have a job interview this week but I’m scared that I won’t have a car to get there. I was with my former job for 7 years and found out that I can’t get unemployment because I voluntarily left. I just need some assistance. I don’t want to disappoint myself or my children. I pray someone can help.
I need help repairing my credit, getting a writer’s grant, money for business education and startup money for businesses. I need assistance to carry out the goals I have to help others. I am writing books on religion and health and wellness.
Please I need help I am a 60 year old widow and no longer can work due to my health.Lupus(SLE)..COPD… FIBROMYALGIA…. RHEUMATOID ARE just part of my issues.My husband wàs killed a few years ago by drunk driver on his way home from work.After his passing my house burnt health out if control oh yes lets not forget depression and anxiety….moved lost my next home to a flood.Somehow have made it but now 3 weeks ago my car was stolen insured just not full and have no money for another and REALLY need a car .Can some one please help me god bless and peace thankyou
I am a good father to my kids, but I’m not going to earn a better way of life for them with my bad teeth….i was in a motorcycle wreck about 15 yrs ago and i can’t afford to get my teeth fixed due to providing a good life for them. Please can you find it in your heart to help me out? Good men who take care of their responsibilities don’t get enough credit, let alone help… thank you for your time