Legal and Benefits – Free Legal and Financial Help for Widows

Widows Harvest Ministries is a Christian based non-profit service organization that assists widows in a number of areas. The widows they most typically help are at least 60 years old, live in an urban/high crime area, own their own home and lived on a fixed income. Widows Harvest help with providing friendship; legal, financial and personal counseling; assistance with utility and medical bills; transportation for groceries and doctors’ appointments; and home maintenance and repairs. Widows Harvest Ministries, P.O. Box 2307, Chattanooga, TN 37409; 423-266-8060; Fax: 423-266-0260; {E-Mail:}; {}.

One Response to Legal and Benefits – Free Legal and Financial Help for Widows

  • Dear Friends and Fellow Christians. God is good and has been my soul helper through many years of happiness and pain. Sir might you be able to help me im sixty-one having been born in 1953 Aug- 19. I am now faced with beiing out in the street I cant afford to move. they are turning off my lights and Im to sick and tired to think properly please help.

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