This program protects banks against loss of irrevocable letters of credit insured by foreign banks to support U.S. exports. Coverage is offered against the failure of an overseas financial institution to make payments or reimburse the insured bank. Rules prohibit… Continue reading
This program supports equity investments in light manufacturing, financial, construction, and telecom services in the following areas: Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and other countries in Southeast Asia. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market… Continue reading
The loans are from banks but the SBA guarantees the loans to the banks. CapLines finances small businesses short term, cyclical working capital needs. Under the Caplines guidelines, there are five distinct short term working capital loans: Seasonal line, Contract… Continue reading
This program provides Ex-Im loans and loan guarantees to cover expenses related to start-up, testing and control, repairs, preventive maintenance and on-site Current interest rates can be viewed at {}. Contact Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), Wayne Gardella,… Continue reading
The Economic Development Administration makes grants to local communities with high unemployment, that in turn, make business loans to small entrepreneurs who can create jobs. This is done through the revolving loan fund of the Economic Adjustment Program. The Buffalo,… Continue reading
This program supports equity investments in Latin America for diversified manufacturing, financial, and service industries. An emphasis is placed on Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by… Continue reading
This program provides equity investments in southeast Europe and Turkey. The sector has not been determined. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and… Continue reading
This program provides equity investments in the Baltic Region for agriculture, food, firms, infrastructure projects, privatizations, food storage, and distribution. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to… Continue reading
If your business suffers a loss due to imports, you may be eligible to receive up to $75,000 to pay for consultants to develop a new business plan to put you back on the road to success. The program is… Continue reading
Safe Horizon, New York City’s leading victim assistance organization since 1978, is continuing their mission to provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families and communities by responding the special needs of the… Continue reading