Christian Relief Services of Virginia and its affiliates, provide transitional housing and support services for homeless individuals and families in the Fairfax County Virginia area. In addition to direct services, this organization connects the vast resources of America through collaboration… Continue reading
Link-Up and Lifeline are two government programs that offers up to $84 a year in discounts on your monthly bill and a 50% reduction for your hook-up service, or $30 which ever is less. These programs have income requirements that… Continue reading
A family of 4 can be making close to $30,000 year and still be eligible for a 2% interest loan from local Community Action Agency. Some agencies also offer grants or are aware of other local organizations that provide grants.… Continue reading
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is offering pastoral care to traumatized survivors, rescue workers, news media staff, family members, and the thousands of neighbors who witnessed the tragedy and its ongoing aftermath. UMCOR will provide assistance for individuals who… Continue reading
You don’t get the cash, but you do get it in the form of Food Stamps. The Food Stamp Program was designed to help low-income families buy the food they need to stay healthy and productive. The amount of Food… Continue reading
In 1999 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will finance about $9 billion for people to buy condominiums. This is almost double the amount financed in 1997. The program is called Mortgage Insurance – Purchase of Units in… Continue reading
You don’t need to hire some high priced consultants to find how to keep the air in your home clean of pollution and other toxic substances. The Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse is the expert on all forms of indoor… Continue reading
The California Energy Commission offers residences and small businesses up to 50% of the cost of a new heating or air conditioning system if it meets their standards for emerging renewable technologies, like solar heating, but more. Their program is… Continue reading
Both the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Rural Housing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture offer loan guarantees to lending agencies around the county. A loan-guarantee assures the lending agency that the government will… Continue reading
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assists victims of major disasters in the purchasing a home by providing insured loans. These loans may be used to finance the purchase or reconstruction of a one-family home that will be… Continue reading