E-coli, Salmonella, and Listeria Monocytogenes. Fungi, viruses, parasites, and bacteria in foods are estimated to account for 6.5 to 33 million cases of human illness and up to 9,000 deaths in the United States each year. Since 1992, when E… Continue reading
The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, a nonprofit credentialing organization, asked its licensed psychologists to donate their professional services to help the survivors, the victims’ families, and those involved in the search and rescue operation, following the… Continue reading
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is offering pastoral care to traumatized survivors, rescue workers, news media staff, family members, and the thousands of neighbors who witnessed the tragedy and its ongoing aftermath. UMCOR will provide assistance for individuals who… Continue reading
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is offering pastoral care to traumatized survivors, rescue workers, news media staff, family members, and the thousands of neighbors who witnessed the tragedy and its ongoing aftermath. UMCOR will provide assistance for individuals who… Continue reading
The survivor of a military person faces problems civilian counterparts do not. The death of their spouse may be followed by a change of residence and separation from the network of support they currently have. The Society of Military Widows… Continue reading
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is offering pastoral care to traumatized survivors, rescue workers, news media staff, family members, and the thousands of neighbors who witnessed the tragedy and its ongoing aftermath. UMCOR will provide assistance for individuals who… Continue reading
Sometimes, there is nothing to be done for a terminally ill patient other than to keep him or her comfortable. Hospice can help your loved one live their remaining days fully and comfortably. To find a hospice provider near you,… Continue reading
Dress for Success is a nonprofit organization that helps low income women make the tailored transition into the workforce. Each Dress for Success client receives one suit when she has a job interview and a second suit when she gets… Continue reading
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is offering pastoral care to traumatized survivors, rescue workers, news media staff, family members, and the thousands of neighbors who witnessed the tragedy and its ongoing aftermath. UMCOR will provide assistance for individuals who… Continue reading
The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) is a law which provides benefits for civilian employees of the United States who have suffered work-related injuries or occupational diseases. These benefits include payment of medical expenses and compensation for wage loss. FECA… Continue reading