The National Organization for Parents of Murdered Children offers many services to its members. Their staff can provide emotional support, individual assistance, advocacy, court accompaniment, and crisis intervention. Other services include (but are not limited to) help for siblings, newsletters,… Continue reading
Jorja Prover, Ph.D. is a professor of social welfare at UCLA with twenty years experience in crisis intervention counseling and training. She has worked in several post-war environments, most recently Bosnia and Kosovo and in follow-up to urban crises and… Continue reading
The non-profit organization Teen Age Grief (T.A.G) specializes in providing resources and information that addresses grief issues specific to teenagers. There is information on basic grief responses, and how to deal with spiritual questions as well as the anger that… Continue reading
The National Register of Health Services Providers in Psychology is a nonprofit credentialing organization based in Washington, D.C. Over 1,000 psychologists have offered to donate time to provide healthcare services to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack… Continue reading
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY is offering a 24-hour hotline where callers can be connected to counseling, emergency financial assistance, and other services. The agency is also working with Catholic Health Services and the Office of… Continue reading
The National Institute of Mental Health offers a very extensive document titled Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters, that describes how young people react to trauma, how to help them, the condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder… Continue reading
Gift From Within is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals. Their philosophy is to restore dignity to trauma survivors. A unique… Continue reading
The Pen-Parents network is a service that connects bereaved parents who have lost a child from pregnancy through adulthood. Parents correspond with each other to share feelings and support. The Website also has articles, chat and message boards, lists of… Continue reading
The Virginia Disaster Stress Intervention Site is a service of the Psychology Department of James Madison University. The site provides an online printable version of a ten page, illustrated workbook for children, entitled My Disaster Diary . This workbook provides… Continue reading
The survivor of a military person faces problems civilian counterparts do not. The death of their spouse may be followed by a change of residence and separation from the network of support they currently have. The Society of Military Widows… Continue reading