The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 establishes a 5 percent government-wide goal for contract awards to small businesses owned by women. One way the Small Business Administration is helping to ensure that these new goals are achieved is through the Women-Owned Business Procurement Pilot Program. Each of the following eleven federal agencies has designated a women-owned business advocate to act as a liaison. Each provides outreach, training, and marketing assistance to women-owned businesses. The Small Business Administration and the liaisons from each of the agencies meet regularly to assess the progress of the program, resolve problems, and develop new initiatives. For more information on this program, you may contact your local Small Business Administration Office, or Office of Women’s Business Ownership, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd St., SW, Washington, DC 20416; 202-205-6673; 800-8-ASK-SBA; {}.
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