This program is designed to facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by providing medium-term loans and guaranties. The program assists in the promotion of small businesses, with less than 250 million dollars in revenue, or entities with less than 67 million dollars in net worth; and medium-sized businesses. Business development financing is provided in over 140 nations and emerging nations internationally. OPIC provides financing for overseas investments that are wholly owned by U.S. companies, or are joint ventures in which the U.S. sponsoring firm is a participant. The U.S. investor must have at least 25% equity in the project. Businesses must be able to repay the loan in hard currency from project cash flow. A list of all eligible countries is available on the OPIC website. OPIC lends funds based on individual business needs. Financing can be used for permanent working capital, fixed assets, and expansion of facilities. Amortization periods range from 3 to 7 years. Interest rates and guarantee fees are based on the underlying cost of capital (comparable to U.S. Treasury notes or other U.S. Government guarantee issues of similar maturity), and a risk premium of between 2 and 6 percent. The risk premium is determined based upon an OPIC assessment of the commercial and political risks involved. For detailed product information, go to the website noted above and click on the link for products. Contact OPIC, Dr. Cliff Moore, Vice President, 1100 New York Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20527; 202-336-8400; Fax: 202-408-9866; {}; {}.
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