This program provides equity investments in the Baltic Region for agriculture, food, firms, infrastructure projects, privatizations, food storage, and distribution. This program is designed to promote and facilitate U.S. investment in emerging market economies by working with private capital to make direct equity and equity related investments. Investment funds are designed to complement OPIC loan products. Each investment fund must meet OPIC policy requirements, including impacts on the U.S. economy and employment. Contact OPIC, Robert Peyton, President-America First Companies, 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68102; 402-930-3060; Fax: 402-930-3007; {}; {}.
$14,000,000 In Venture Capital For Starting Agriculture Related Businesses in The Baltic Region
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Good day
The project was developed under the Agro specific region Chernigov region, Ukraine, and is regarded as a regional investment projects in the area. This will create over 100 jobs.
This project has the support of district administration (letter attached).
Under this project will be established agricultural company (Ltd.), provided that the investor HOPE in your face.
In the agricultural firm will be transferred to buildings, agricultural land on lease for a period 49 years for agricultural firms.
1.2 Quail farm.
2. Production bio-fuels.
2. Point.
1. Ostrich farm.
2. Farms pheasant.
3. Farms guinea fowl.
4. Rabbits ferma.
5. Farm for growing sheep.
Details on E-mail: serg.curnosov @
Summary of the project
1. Essence of the project
• Foundation of agricultural firm of closed type.
2. Scope of activity, place of the project realization
• Growth of: quails, pheasants, guinea fowls, ostriches (eggs, meat)
• Sheeps (meat, skin)
• Rabbit (meat, skin)
• Cereals (formula-feed plant)
• Plant for bio-fuels production
• Ukraine, Chernihiv region
3. Description of the product.
• Food, hatching eggs, bio-fuel.
4. Total cost of the project
• 10 000 000 $
5. Sum of investments. 5 000 000 $
• The costs of quail farm (100 000- egg breed; 300 000-meat breed)—1 000 000 $ (acquisition and installation of equipment, breeding stock, maintenance facilities, salaries of employees.)
• The costs of the production of bio-fuel (capacity 34 tons per day)—3 500 000$ (purchase and installation of equipment, repair facilities, salaries of employees)
• The costs of the production of animal feed (capacity of 10 tons per day)—1500 000 $ $ (purchase and installation of equipment, salaries of employees)
• The costs of rabbit farm (2100 rabbit dams) –700 000 $ (purchase and installation of equipment, repair facilities, salaries of employees)
• The costs of an ostrich farm (25 families)-600 000 $ (purchase and installation of equipment, repair facilities, salaries of employees)
• The costs of the farm of pheasants and guinea fowls (1 000-pheasants, 2 000 guinea fowls)–300 000(purchase and installation of equipment, breeding herd, repair facilities, salaries of employees)
• The cost of sheep breeding (1 000 heads) — 400 000 $ (purchase and installation of equipment, breeding herd, repair facilities, salaries of employees)
6. Repayment of the loan during the fifth year in equal parts.
7. Estimated payback period
• 5 years
8. Term of investment
• 5 years
9. Annual turnover
• 25 000 000$
10. Sales of the product, advertising
• Ukraine, foreign countries
11. Business plan
• Yes
12. Stage of the project development (pre-starting, starting, expanding)
• Starting
13. Buildings, structures, land, human resources.
14. The contribution of the investor.
• Provision of the capital equals to 5 000 000 $
15. Contact
person : Curnosov Sergey Anatolyevich .t.+38 050 443 15 56
16. E-mail: