Widows Harvest Ministries is a Christian based non-profit service organization that assists widows in a number of areas. The widows they most typically help are at least 60 years old, live in an urban/high crime area, own their own home and lived on a fixed income. Widows Harvest help with providing friendship; legal, financial and personal counseling; assistance with utility and medical bills; transportation for groceries and doctors’ appointments; and home maintenance and repairs. Widows Harvest Ministries, P.O. Box 2307, Chattanooga, TN 37409; 423-266-8060; Fax: 423-266-0260; {E-Mail: info@widows.org}; {www.widows.org}.
Free Legal and Financial Help for Widows
2 Responses to Free Legal and Financial Help for Widows
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Hello, My wife passed away the day our son was born. I have been left on my own to make it work for both of us. But i have been having a hard time keeping up on things and on top of that what money i had saved was stolen from me from a family friend. I was just wanting to know what kind of help is out there for people like me Thanks Douglas Holcomb
My husband died August 2013 I’ve been trying for over 3 years to get our son’s father’s ssi money since our son was 12 and now he’s almost 16, my husband forgot to sign our son’s birth certificate. I’ve got letters from both his sister’s stating my son is his son, school statement saying my husband was his father, and other documents and still they deny our son.