Funds research by professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines for the purpose of building a scientific base for the prevention of injuries, disabilities, and deaths. Applications may be submitted by public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, academic and research institutions, State and local governments, Indian tribal organizations, and small, minority, and women-owned businesses. Awards will be made for a 12-month budget period within a three-year project period. The maximum funding level will not exceed $300,000 per year or $900,000 for the three-year project period. Specific program priorities and application guidelines can be found at {}. Contact Centers for Disease Control, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Ted Jones, Program Manager, Office of Research Grants, CDC, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Mailstop k-58, Atlanta, GA 30341; 770-488-4824; {}; {}.
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