Funds research by professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines for the purpose of building a scientific base for the prevention of injuries, disabilities, and deaths. Applications may be submitted by public and private nonprofit and for-profit organizations, academic and… Continue reading
Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation’s premier non-profit research institutions. The purpose of this collaboration is to move ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, to foster high-tech economic development and to address the… Continue reading
Provides funds for promising projects demonstrating both energy-related innovation and future commercial market potential. Grants are open to U.S. citizens, small businesses that are U.S. owned, or educational institutions located in the U.S. Special consideration is given to individual inventors… Continue reading
Supports high quality projects on important scientific, engineering, or science/engineering education problems and opportunities with potential for significant commercial and public benefit. Awards stimulate participation and innovation by small businesses as well as minority, disabled, and other disadvantaged individuals. Proposals… Continue reading
Supports creative advanced research in technical areas such as biological and environmental research, high energy and nuclear physics, fossil and fusion energy, and environmental management. that encourage the conversion of Government-funded research in a commercial application. Awards stimulate technological participation… Continue reading
Funds joint venture innovative research opportunities for small business and the nation’s premier non-profit research institutions. The purpose of this collaboration is to move ideas from the laboratory to the marketplace, to foster high-tech economic development and to address the… Continue reading