Getting a good job does not always mean that you must attend college or trade school, but no one will readily admit that. There are apprenticeship programs all over the country that will provide free on-the-job training – and you will learn while you earn. Apprentices learn each skill of a job by carrying it out step by step under the close supervision of a skilled craft worker. An apprenticeship involves planned, day-by-day supervised training on the job, combined with technical instruction. Length of training varies depending on the job and is determined by standards adopted by a particular industry. The minimum term of apprenticeship is one year, but can be as long as four. Currently there are over 800 apprenticeable occupations, including cook, air craft mechanic, electrician, computer programmer, tool maker, and welder. For more information, contact the Bureau of Apprenticeship located in your state (see the list below), or you may contact Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Room N4649, Washington, DC 20210; 202-219-5921; {}.
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